Ep 032: Juan Brenner
“Me walking around with a huge robot of a camera, it’s a pretty colonialist stance…and I try for my work to be the complete opposite.”

Ep 031: Beth Garrabrant
“I love work where there’s no obvious beginning or end. You’re just seeing this one part, and their lives have continued on.”

Ep 030: Keerthana Kunnath
“This is not the kind of things which you’ve seen growing up. We almost had to become the first people in our family or our society to come out and do that.”

Ep 029: Amir Hamja
"You need to have a sense of understanding how close you should be, not too close that you’re intruding her space...Mentally, you’re making sure you’re not crossing that line."

Ep 028: Heami Lee
“It’s important for the photo to lead into something. It’s the beginning that extends, not a beginning that is cut short…Even in a simple moment like this, I feel like I wanna know more.“

Ep 027: Mary Frey
“That democratic lighting…It just reveals everything, reveals more than we could ever see or understand, reveals it in a way that makes it important.”

Ep 026: Caroline Tompkins
“There’s something that drew me to doing it, something I knew I had to work through. Maybe I see the photograph as this opportunity to walk through the fire.”

Welcome to Season Two

Ep 025: Chris Buck
“It’s a bit of a seduction to go somewhere vulnerable and awkward but maybe somewhere thrilling and exciting that will end up being quite beautiful and telling as well.”

Ep 024: Jingyu Lin
“I’ve learned to take my time. They gave us three hours…and I used every single minute of it.”

Ep 023: Pat Martin
“In an artistic way of speaking, I can say that I was trying to take the first and last photo that I might take of him.”

Ep 022: Josefina Santos
“This is new to me. This is special to me… But as I’ve worked on it, I’ve also found my place within all these images and where I belong as well.”

Ep 021: Valerie Chiang
“I feel like I never photograph the actual person in my photo. I always create a character for them… They’re not who they are.”

Ep 020: Maximilian Virgili
“Tables and glassware and plates and food are always a combination of so many interesting things for me in terms of emotion, graphics, colors and textures.”

Ep 019: Elizabeth Weinberg
“In a planned photo, everything is going to be perfect, and I don’t believe in perfection. Wabi-sabi, I want everything to feel a little weird and off-kilter and natural.”

Ep 018: Justin J. Wee
“It’s a photo about ‘You should buy all of the items in this gift guide,’ but…if a queer person was to flick through this magazine, maybe they would look at those bodies and be like, ‘Oh, I know.’ “

Ep 017: Alexander Saladrigas
“She forgot about everything that’s happening in the world, and she’s just flying this kite… It feels like she does this on a daily basis.”

Ep 016: Gioncarlo Valentine
“I wanted her to be centered… I love the power in her face. It almost looks like she’s quietly bragging about her family. I love that so much.”

Ep 015: Natalie Keyssar
“Simplified narratives draw oversimplified conclusions, and real life is really messy, and I want the narrative to be messy.”

Ep 014: Todd Cole
“It’s there from the beginning for all of us. We just have to trust ourselves and try to open up and operate from a little bit of our unconscious.”